This site is aimed at those who teach Dental Sedation together with Pain and Anxiety Control. The group provides a forum for all registered dental and medical professionals who are interested in the teaching of conscious sedation in dentistry. The membership includes dental and medical practitioners and nurses from academia, hospital, community and general practice. It is hoped that this site will also help to provide a uniform resource to co-ordinate the teaching of Dental Sedation within the United Kingdom.


To improve standards of teaching of conscious sedation in dentistry.

To act as a point of reference on matters of dental sedation.

To continue to develop a common curriculum in sedation.

To encourage the practice of sedation in all branches of dentistry.

To exchange ideas on practice and research in the field of conscious sedation in dentistry.

A complimentary webinar from DSTG!




IACSD standard on clinical use and training

Remimazolam for intravenous conscious sedation for dental procedures 

10 January 2023

The Intercollegiate Advisory Committee for Sedation in Dentistry (IACSD) published 'Standards for Conscious Sedation in the Provision of Dental Care' in April 2015, with an update in March 2020.

The current IACSD Standards document pre-dates remimazolam authorisation. IACSD has therefore released interim guidance on the clinical use of remimazolam, including training requirements. 

To ensure patient safety, dentists and doctors using remimazolam for dental conscious sedation will be expected to comply with this guidance. See link below.
