Amended version updated and adopted at the Annual General Meeting on Tuesday, May 15th 2018.
The Group shall be called “The Dental Sedation Teachers’ Group”.
2.1 To exchange ideas on practice and research in the field of conscious sedation for dentistry.
2.2 To improve standards of teaching of conscious sedation in dentistry.
2.3 To continue to develop a common curriculum in sedation.
2.4 To encourage the practice of sedation in all branches of dentistry.
3.1 Applications for membership are accepted from registered Dentists, Dental Care Professionals, Medical Practitioners and General Nurses.
3.2 No member shall enjoy any of the privileges of membership until he/she shall have paid his/her annual subscription and arrears thereof. This includes voting rights.
3.3 Membership will cease in the following circumstances:
3.3.1 If by notice in writing to the Secretary of the Group he/she resigns his/her membership
3.3.2 If he/she be expelled under rule 4
3.3.3 If he/she ceases to be a member under rule 5
It shall be the duty of the Committee if at any time they shall be of the opinion that the interests of the Group so require, by notice to invite any member to withdraw from the Group. The member whose expulsion is under consideration shall be allowed to offer an explanation of his/her conduct in writing. If thereupon the majority of the Committee shall vote for his expulsion he/she shall cease to be a member of the Group.
5.1 Annual subscriptions become due after the last day of their subscribed membership year.
5.2 Notice to resign should be made, in writing, to the membership secretary.
5.3 Membership will deemed to have lapsed if current subscriptions are not paid 1 month after the expiry date of their subscribed membership year.
These shall consist of an Annual General Meeting and such other meetings to be known as Special General Meetings as the Committee may decide or as may be requisitioned in accordance with rule 7 hereof. The Annual General Meeting shall be held in every year upon a date and at a place which will normally have been decided at a previous A.G.M. Notice of the A.G.M. shall be sent to members at least six weeks before the date of the meeting.
10% of the current membership shall be considered a quorum.
At the Annual General Meeting, the following business shall be conducted:
6.1 To elect officers of the Group and other members of the Committee
6.2 To receive the report of the Honorary Treasurer and Membership Secretary
6.3 To receive the report of the Honorary Secretary
6.4 Such other business as the Committee may decide.
Any member wishing to move any item under “Any other business” at the A.G.M. shall give notice thereof in writing to the Secretary not less than four weeks before the date of such meeting.
Special general Meetings may be called from time to time by the Committee and the Secretary can call a Special General Meeting within six weeks from the receipt of a requisition signed by at least 10% of the current membership stating the purpose of for which the meeting is to be summoned.
At a meeting called by such requisition no other business shall be considered beyond that referred to in such requisition.
On a show of hands or at a poll, every member present and eligible to vote shall have one vote.
The officers of the Group shall consist of a Chairman, an Honorary Secretary, and an Honorary Treasurer and Membership Secretary, and any other officer whom the Committee may from time to time determine.
The business of the Group shall be conducted by a Committee consisting of the Officers of the Group and a number of Ordinary Members. The Officers and non-representative members shall be elected at the Annual General Meetings of the Group. The Ordinary members shall consist of a representative of each of the Dental Schools drawn from the membership, a representative from SAAD (Society for the Advancement of Anaesthesia in Dentistry), a representative from ADA (Association of Dental Aneasthetists), the Chair of STAC ( Sedation Training Accreditation Committee) and six other non-representative members. This would generally produce a Committee of 26 persons.
Committee members may be co-opted from time to time.
12.1 The Officers and non-representative Committee members of the Group shall be proposed for election from amongst the general membership on the nomination of the Committee. The general membership shall have the right to make nominations for the six non-representative positions on the Committee which, having been duly proposed and seconded in writing to the Secretary must reach him/her not less than two weeks before the advertised date of the Annual General Meeting. Nominations shall be announced by the Secretary to the members present at the Meeting at which the election is to take place.
12.2 Nominations must be accompanied by the consent of the nominee.
12.3 Election shall be by the vote of all those eligible members present at the AGM previously notified.
12.4 The Chairman shall hold office for three years. Upon demitting office as Chairman, he/she shall hold office of Immediate Past Chairman for one year. He/she shall then relinquish office and shall not be eligible for election to that post for 4 years.
12.5 The Honorary Secretary, and Honorary Treasurer shall hold office for three years. After three years, elections will take place. The existing Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer may present themselves for re-election.
12.6 Dental School Representatives should hold position as Ordinary Committee members for three years. These members may present themselves for a further period of three years. The Representative is selected by the Dental School.
12.6.1 The Representative from SAAD should hold position as Ordinary Committee member for three years. The member may present themselves for a further period of three years. The Representative is selected by the SAAD Council.
12.6.2 The Representative from ADA should hold position as Ordinary Committee member for three years. The member may present themselves for a further period of three years. The Representative is selected by the ADA Council.
12.6.3 The Representative from STAC is the current Chair of STAC.
12.6.4 Non-representative Committee member positions shall be held for three years. These members may present themselves for re-election.
12.6.5 Any office which falls vacant unexpectedly shall be filled by election at the next AGM.
12.6.6 The appointment of an Ordinary Committee member to be an Officer of the Group shall be deemed to create a casual vacancy among the Ordinary members of the Committee.
13.1 The Committee may meet together for the dispatch of business, adjourn, and otherwise regulate their meetings as they think fit. The number of Committee Members to form a quorum shall be five.
13.2 Committee meetings shall be held at least half yearly unless the Chairman directs otherwise.
13.3 In case of emergency, and it being impossible to summon a meeting of the Committee, then the Chairman shall take immediate action as may seem necessary in the circumstances and shall report the matter to the next meeting of the Committee.
13.4 In the event of the Chairman being unable to undertake his duties, the Secretary will deputise for him.
13.5 The Committee shall have the power to appoint standing or other committees or sub-committees as necessary to consider matters and report to the Committee. Any member of the Group may be appointed to these committees.
The Committee shall cause minutes to be duly entered, in the books provided for the purpose, details of:-
14.1 Appointments of officers.
14.2 Names of the committee members present at each committee.
14.3 Orders made or directions given by the Committee
14.4 Resolutions and proceedings of the Committee.
15.1 The Committee shall cause true accounts to be kept of all sums of money received and expended by the Group.
15.2 The financial year of the Group shall end on March 31st in each year to which day the accounts of the Group shall be balanced.
15.3 The accounts shall be audited at the end of each financial year.
15.4 The books and accounts of the Group shall be open to the inspection of the members at all reasonable hours.
15.5 The Treasurer shall lay before the Committee a balance sheet showing the property and liabilities of the Group made up to the last financial year.
15.6 Cheques shall be signed by one of the following: Chairman, Secretary or Treasurer
15.7 On dissolution of the Group, funds will be donated to a Society or Association of like purpose.
These rules may be added to, repealed or amended by resolution at any General Meeting subject to the agreement of a two-thirds majority of those present and eligible to vote.