DSTG membership is open to all registered dental and medical professionals; dentists, medical doctors, dental nurses and dental therapists. 

We welcome new members so please recommend us to your ‘sedation’ colleagues, dentists, nurses, therapists and medical colleagues too.

Membership subscription fees:

UK members £10
Non-UK members £15


  • The DSTG newsletter emailed directly to you each autumn, providing information on legislation, changes in protocols and guidance, along with general news and updates.
  • Registration for the annual symposium at a reduced rate. The symposium is held at a different location each year and is an excellent souce of verifiable sedation CPD!
  • Access to the member’s forum on the DSTG website.
  • As a member you will have voting rights at the AGM and so can influence the business and direction of the society.
  • Opportunity to apply for committee and executive positions.
  • The DSTG committee has a wealth of sedation experience, you will have access to this experience in the form of direct advice or via the DSTG publications.

DSTG was set up as a lobby body for all those interested in sedation in dentistry. GA in primary care has gone, however DSTG continually strives to maintain the value of sedation and promotes gold-standard dental sedation practice in relation to the wider medical field. DSTG members have sat on every major review body, curriculum development and guideline development committee for the past 30 years – for both dentists and nurses.

Remember that as a member you add weight to the society which keeps us at the forefront of sedation care in the profession. DSTG and SAAD work closely together and are the two largest specialist societies for dental sedation practitioners in the country – to keep sedation in the profession we must maintain a united presence as sedationists.


UK Membership

Annual Membership for UK Members: £10

Non-UK Membership

Annual Membership for Non-UK Members: £15

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